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I’ve been thinking a lot about God’s majesty and holiness lately so when I saw the most beautiful dark red sunrise on my run, I let myself be totally amazed by the power of our God. Not long into that moment, I saw a snake on the road and immediately went into “get out of the way!” mode. It was dead, but it was interesting how quickly my mind shifted from “awe” to “self-protection”.


Life is full of surprises and so many things we can’t control. Maybe it’s a cancer diagnosis or other health issue. Maybe it’s the loss of a friend or the small things that always pop up in our daily life with work or family. What would it look like if our immediate reaction was turning to God, who is the only one who can bring true healing and peace, instead of what we can do ourselves? Too often I don’t give Him the credit He deserves and forget that not only can He do the impossible, but He also cares about the smallest of details in our lives. He is more holy and powerful than our minds can grasp.


As easy as it is to think about how we can control a situation or worry about what to do, don’t forget to look up and be amazed by who God is and how much He loves you. He wants to walk through this life with you and be the one we turn to instead of trying to fix things on our own.


“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” -Luke 12:6-7

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